Resources for Educators
Explore this page to locate educator resources related to the MAP Growth Test.
IMPORTANT - NWEA's Login Screen Has Recently Changed!
NWEA MAP Growth Practice Test
The practice test displays a variety of items that show the wide span of the test. The purpose of the practice tests is to introduce the test form, function, and types of items, not to prepare students for the content.
Practice test username and password:
The username and password for the practice tests is "grow".
Click here to access the NWEA MAP Growth practice test.
RIT Reference Charts
Use these resources to see sample test items organized by subject matter and RIT score.
Please click on the images above to download these resources.
Best Practices

Consult this document to help ensure recommended best practices are followed during the administration of NWEA MAP Growth assessments. Feel free to print both pages of this guide to keep on hand as a reference during testing.
Administering the Test • Troubleshooting • Assigning Accommodations
How to Administer the MAP Growth Test
New to NWEA testing or need a quick refresher? This comprehensive slide deck will take you through everything you need to administer the MAP Growth test, including setting up a test session, resuming a test session, how to track student completion, viewing results, common troubleshooting, and more.
MAP Growth Quick Start Guide

This quick and easy Quick Start Guide is handy to print out and keep on hand during testing.
How to Create a Test Session

If you are new to NWEA MAP Growth testing, print out this quick guide for a detailed list of steps needed to create and manage test sessions.
Assigning Accommodations

Follow this guide to assign accommodations to students prior to getting them on the test.
Keeping Track of Test Completion

Need to keep track of who has finished testing? Follow the steps on this guide to quickly check completion status for students on the MAP Growth test.
Troubleshooting Guide

This guide has troubleshooting steps for all of the common issues you may encounter during MAP Growth testing. Print it out to help minimize disruptions and delays during testing by being able to fix most issues yourself.
Guidance for Testing Newcomer Students
Reports & Data Analysis Resources
MAP Growth Reports Quick Guide

This Quick Guide gives a brief overview of the 3 main reports most teachers will find useful: the Class Profile, Student Profile, and MUSD Me2Be report. Use this guide to quickly learn how to run these reports, and consult additional resources on this page to go into more depth with each one.
Student Profile Overview

NWEA's Student Profile report gives a detailed overview of achievement, growth, and longitudinal performance of a single student at a time. This resource is great for goal-setting conversations and sharing with parents.
Class Profile - Coming soon!
NWEA is currently in the process of revising the Class Profile report, adding new and exciting features such as a breakdown of student performance by Instructional Area. As soon as this new version of the report is published, check back here for MUSD resources.
School Profile Report (Administrators Only)

The School Profile report (viewable only by administrators) gives a high-level look at school-wide data for a single school site. It provides two different views: Single-Term Achievement and Growth and Achievement. This two-page resource gives a brief overview of the main features available on this report.
Data Analysis - Part 1
This resource is intended for use after the first testing window in a live PD environment. However, after participating in the accompanying professional development session, you may find it useful to reference the slides used during the presentation.
Data Analysis - Part 2
This resource is intended for use after the second and third testing windows in a live PD environment. However, after participating in the accompanying professional development session, you may find it useful to reference the slides used during the presentation.
ASG Analysis Tool
This tool is aligned with the task on Slide 22 of the "Student Growth Deep Dive" PD and can be utilized to identify challenging trends within your NWEA data. After trends are identified, the tool can help with finding aligned support and resources to help counteract these trends.
*Note: this resource is currently under development and may change significantly
Special Services • SST • Cost Resources
Introduction to NWEA for Special Services
This presentation, intended for Educators not working in a general education classroom, gives a detailed overview of the most important reports and data to examine in NWEA to form an accurate picture of an individual student's achievement and growth. This includes gaining an understanding of important academic context, such as comparing a student's scores to the class as a whole and tracking growth over multiple years.
Guide for Gathering Data on an Individual Student

Print this template to help you gather important data points on an individual student. This can be useful when preparing for a Special Services meeting (SST, IEP, etc.) or when trying to understand the context of an individual student's academic performance and growth.