The California Educator Reporting System (CERS) allows teachers and administrators to access their students' individual and aggregate test results from state summative and interim assessments. To access CERS, educators must use their assigned Test Operations Management System (TOMS) credentials.
Additionally, the CERS website features a Sandbox training tool intended to help local educational agency (LEA) staff learn about the features and functions of CERS in a non-secure environment. It offers users virtually the same functions as the reporting system but uses practice test items and fictitious student data.
Please note: CERS only provides data for your current roster of students. Data for prior years can be found in Illuminate.
Locating Writing Traits Data
How to View Whole-Class Writing Trait Scores
How to View Individual Writing Trait Scores
Locating Test Scores

Quick Guide

This printable one-page guide will walk you through the steps needed to access test scores on CERS.