Locating Test Scores
Looking for student test scores? Use this page to learn how to find them on CERS, Illuminate, and Aeries.
Assessment Results Expected Availability
Frequently Asked Questions
For Teachers

For Administrators

How-To Guides
The California Educator Reporting System, or CERS, houses data for currently rostered students only. You can use this system to access summative and interim state assessment results, such as CAASPP, ELPAC, IAB/FIAB, and Alternate assessments for students on your current classroom roster(s).
Quick Guide

This printable one-page guide will walk you through the steps needed to access test scores on CERS.Â
How to Print Individual Student Scores

This printable one-page guide will walk you through the steps needed to print individual student scores in CERS.
Teacher Resources
Step-by-Step Slide Deck
This slide deck will walk teachers through the steps needed to locate ELPAC scores on CERS.
Video Walkthrough (For Teachers)

This video walks teachers through locating ELPAC scores on CERS at a class and student level.
Quick Guide

This printable two-page guide will walk teachers through the steps needed to locate ELPAC scores on CERS.
Administrator Resources
Step-by-Step Slide Deck (For Administrators)
This slide deck will walk administrators through the steps needed to locate ELPAC scores on CERS.
Video Walkthrough (For Administrators)

This video walks administrators through locating ELPAC scores on CERS at a district, school, grade, teacher, and individual student level.
Quick Guide

This printable two-page guide will walk administrators through the steps needed to locate ELPAC scores on CERS.
Illuminate houses historical data for previously rostered students, such as CAASPP scores for your previous classes. This includes data at an individual level, class level, and school or district levels (depending on your level of access).
Step-by-Step Slide Deck
Video Walkthrough

Did you know Illuminate houses test scores for CAASPP, ELPAC, NWEA and more for prior school years? Use this guide to learn how to use Illuminate's prebuilt reports to view historical and longitudinal data for any cohort of students you've taught.
Quick Guide

This printable one-page guide will walk you through the steps needed to access test scores on Illuminate.
Locating ELPAC Domain Scores

In addition to its gradebook and attendance functions, Aeries can also be used to access test scores for currently rostered students at an individual level.
Quick Guide

Use this quick guide for a brief overview of the steps required to locate student test scores in Aeries.