Use the navigation menu to the left to access resources related to assessment in Madera Unified School District. Scroll down to browse available professional development and make a support request.
2/11/2025 -Winter MAP Reading Fluency Assessment Window Now Open
The Winter MAP Reading Fluency Assessment window will close on February 28th.
As a reminder, if you encounter any issues, please reach out to your administrator. Your administrator will contact NWEA Triage.
Not sure what to do with the data? Reach out to our Assessment & Data Support Specialist team today to schedule time to learn about utilizing NWEA data to inform instruction and set goals with students. Click here to submit a support request or email our team at
2/11/2025 -Spring MAP Growth Assessment Window - Coming Soon
The Winter MAP Growth Assessment window will open on March 3rd.
As a reminder, if you encounter any issues, please reach out to your administrator. Your administrator will contact NWEA Triage.
Not sure what to do with the data? Reach out to our Assessment & Data Support Specialist team today to schedule time to learn about utilizing NWEA data to inform instruction and set goals with students. Click here to submit a support request or email our team at
2/11/2024 - Summative ELPACÂ Testing has begun!
Summative ELPAC Testing for the 2024-2025 school year has begun. Please consult with your site administrator for your summative ELPAC testing schedule.Â
Where to Find Test Scores
Click here to access resources related to locating State and Local Assessment scores (including CAASPP and ELPAC) for previous school years.
Open each category below to see our menu of professional development opportunities.
Need something not on the menu? No problem. Use the support request form to let us know how we can help.
Formative Assessment
General Assessment Practices
Checking for Understanding - Effective formative assessment is one of the most powerful ways to increase student achievement in your classroom. Frequent and effect formative assessment practices allow teachers to adjust instruction to better suit the immediate needs of learners. Request this support to learn effective formative assessment practices and how to integrate them into your classroom. This support is available in a PLC or one-on-one setting.
Technology-Enhanced Formative Assessment - The 21st century is full of choices when it comes to educational technology. This can sometimes present a challenge when it comes to selecting platforms and tools that truly engage students and develop their knowledge. Request this support to learn how to use tools like Blooket, Gimkit, Kahoot, Mentimeter, and much more to efficiently check for understanding in a way that students love. This support is available in a whole-staff, PLC, or one-on-one setting.
Utilizing Assessment for On-the-Spot Intervention - Immediate, targeted intervention is an effective way to close gaps in student knowledge and push achievement further. Learn to provide immediate and individualized interventions for students. For example, live proctoring features in certain assessment platforms allow you to view results in real time and respond immediately with short, focused intervention sessions. This support is available in a PLC, or one-on-one setting.
Introduction to Illuminate - New to Illuminate? We'll walk you through the first steps for utilizing this powerful assessment and data analysis platform, such as logging in, basic navigation, and ideas to start using Illuminate to enhance your assessment practices. This support is best delivered in a small group, PLC, or one-on-one session including over Zoom.
Illuminate 3-Part Series - Looking for a comprehensive overview of all things Illuminate? This PD series is broken into three 90-minute sessions that can be delivered in a whole-staff setting.
Part 1 quickly covers the basics (navigation, etc.) and how to find and use Illuminate's prebuilt assessments.
Part 2 takes a deep dive into creating New Item Bank assessments (one of the most useful features of Illuminate) and how to administer and score assessments.Â
Part 3 is the conclusion of the series and focuses on data analysis through Illuminate's various dashboards and prebuilt reports.
 Note: these sessions can be requested individually if staff is already familiar enough with topics covered in certain sessions.
Integrating Illuminate into Classrooms - Once you're familiar with how Illuminate works, the next step is to find opportunities to incorporate it into classroom practice. Support can be provided in a PLC or one-on-one setting and is highly personalized to the person or group requesting it. We will help identify high-leverage opportunities within your specific classroom, teaching style, and lessons to utilize the various features of Illuminate to take your assessments to the next level.
Using Illuminate to Enhance Writing Instruction - Scoring student writing and compiling data to gather useful insights can be one of the most challenging aspects of writing instruction. Fortunately, Illuminate can make this process far easier, shifting your valuable time from scoring to analyzing. Request this support today to learn how to use Illuminate with writing instruction, including using fast digital scoring methods and how to use data to inform future instruction. This support is available in a whole-staff, PLC, or one-on-one basis.
Curriculum-Embedded Assessment (Wonders, Benchmark, Big Ideas, and more)
Wonders Assessments - Using the Wonders built-in assessment system to gauge student progress and drive instruction is one the most accessible and high-leverage methods to impact student achievement. This professional development provides an overview of how to utilize the Wonders Weekly Assessments, one of the platform's most powerful and useful assessment tools and is best provided in a PLC setting.
Big Ideas - MUSD's adopted math curriculum for 6th-8th grade comes with a comprehensive and highly-customizable built-in assessment platform. Learn to utilize this system to quickly measure student progress for your specific learning target without having to rely on outside assessment platforms. This support is best given in a PLC or one-on-one setting.
Benchmark - Not sure how to utilize Benchmark's built-in assessment tools? Request support to learn how to use Benchmark's assessment platform to measure student learning in a PLC or one-on-one setting.
TWIG - NGSS standards can be challenging to assess, but fortunately the TWIG curriculum has many built-in assessment tools that make this process streamlined and accessible. Learn to leverage these built-in tools to measure learning progress for each module and driving question within. As an alternative, Illuminate can be utilized to effectively assess NGSS standards. This support is best provided in a whole-staff, PLC, or one-on-one setting.
Local Assessments
NWEA Administration - New to administering the NWEA assessments? Need a refresher before the testing window opens? Not sure how to make sure the correct accommodations are applied? Make a support request today and we can help in a PLC or one-on-one setting. This PD can be requested for the MAP Growth tests, MAP Reading Fluency, or both.
Goal Setting with NWEA - Goal setting is a powerful way to build student agency in their learning, and NWEA makes this process simple and accessible. Reach out today to learn how to set goals at an individual, class, and even PLC level using NWEA's various reports and tools. This support is best delivered in a PLC or one-on-one setting.
1st Semester MAP Growth Data Analysis - Closely examining NWEA data immediately following the Fall test window is a great way to begin differentiating instruction, tracking student progress, and analyzing your practice. Request this professional development session today to learn to use the Class Profile, Student Profile, Learning Continuum, and more to fine tune your instruction and hone in on the precise learning needs of your students. This support can be delivered in a whole-staff, PLC, or one-on-one setting.
2nd Semester MAP Growth Data Analysis (Part 1) - NWEA provides some of its most powerful and insightful reports after we have administered the tests at least twice in a school year. Available after the Winter test window, this professional development session focuses on the Achievement Status and Growth (ASG) report, also known as the Quadrant Report, and how to utilize it to identify students who need additional support. This information is then translated into practical and immediately useful instructional strategies that can impact student growth for the rest of the year. If time allows, the Class Breakdown report is also analyzed to project student proficiency on the SBAC. This support is best utilized in a PLC setting, but can be given in a whole-staff or one-on-one setting.
2nd Semester MAP Growth Data Analysis (Part 2) - After a PLC team has participated in Part 1 of this PD, they may be ready for a deeper dive into their data. This follow-up support session can only be delivered in a PLC setting and takes teachers through the Class Report, pinpointing particular domains and standards that are most in need of reinforcement. Resources to drill down into specifics, such as the Learning Continuum, are heavily utilized so teachers walk away with a solid plan to reach students who may not be making adequate progress.
*NEW* NWEA Instructional Reports - Looking for more granular data than what is available on the Class Profile and Student Profile reports? NWEA's Instructional Reports provide a breakdown of student performance per topic at a PLC level (data not available at the individual teacher level). For example, you can view PLC-level performance on Addition and Subtraction of Fractions, Informational Text Features, and dozens of additional topics. Once you have administered the MAP Growth test at least twice in a school year, you can also compare student performance per topic to see how they've grown. This support is only available in a PLC setting and, due to the complexity of the report, it is recommended to allocate at least 90 minutes for this PD.
1st Semester MAP Reading Fluency Data Analysis - Not sure where to begin or what to prioritize after administering the MAP Reading Fluency assessment? Request this professional development to dive deep into the Reading Fluency data, including locating appropriate resources, planning lessons, and tracking student progress through the Progress Monitoring feature. This support is best given in a K-2 staff, PLC, or one-on-one setting.
2nd Semester MAP Reading Fluency Data Analysis - MAP Reading Fluency provides lots of useful data, but it can be challenging to know how to interpret growth using this assessment. Request this professional learning session to develop methods for tracking student progress, setting goals, and analyzing instruction in a K-2 staff, PLC, or one-on-one setting.
State Assessments
SBAC, CAST, and ELPAC Administration - New to administering the SBAC, CAST, or ELPAC assessments? Need a refresher before the testing window opens? Not sure how to make sure the correct accommodations are provided? Make a support request today and we can help in a PLC or one-on-one setting.
Data Analysis - CAASPP and ELPAC assessments provide educators with many different data points; learn to utilize them to drive instruction, reflect on your practice, form small groups, plan out your year, and more. This can be provided in a whole-staff, PLC, or one-on-one setting.
Aligned Instruction - If you would like support in aligning your instruction with the rigor and demands of the ELPAC and CAASPP, the MUSD Assessment Department is here to help. Make a support request today to learn about instructional strategies, resources, and planning tools to help elevate your instructional practices. This support can be provided in a PLC or one-on-one setting.
Test Prep - Test window coming up soon? Reach out for support with test prep strategies such as practice SBAC assessments, embedded resources within the adopted curriculum, and many other tools to help get students in the right mindset for state testing. This support can be provided in a whole-staff, PLC, or one-on-one setting.
SmART Tool (Writing) - Writing is often seen as the common thread between all subject areas and disciplines. It is an area where students tend to require support; to meet this need, CAASPP has developed the SmART tool to help teachers sharpen their writing instruction. Request this support today to learn how to use SmART to align your writing instruction with the demands of the performance tasks on the SBAC. This support is available in a whole-staff, PLC, or one-on-one setting.
IABs, FIABs, and California Educator Reporting System (CERS)
Accessing the California Educator Reporting System (CERS) - This state dashboard provides access to CAASPP, CAST, ELPAC, IAB, and FIAB scores for your current group of students. Learn to utilize this powerful tool to gain useful insights to drive instruction in a whole-staff, PLC, or one-on-one setting.
IAB/FIAB Administration - Interim Assessment Blocks (IABs) and Focused Interim Assessments Blocks (FIABs) are great ways to get a snapshot of student progress towards a particular domain, learning target, or set of standards. If you are unfamiliar with these assessments or just need a quick refresher, we can provide support in a whole-staff, PLC, or one-on-one setting.
IAB/FIAB Data Analysis - Did your team recently administer an IAB or FIAB? We can provide support in analyzing the results with an emphasis on identifying the most useful and actionable data that comes from these assessments. This support is best provided in a PLC setting.